Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jet Skiing in Japan

Summer is coming to a close and I've been missing our friends the Kents back in Virginia who would take us on their boat waterskiing and jet skiing. When I would go boating with them it reminded me of all those summers I spent with my family on our ski boat at Scott's Flat in northern California waterskiing and having fun tubing. But in Japan, especially around Yokosuka there aren't many places lake you can waterski, mainly just Tokyo Bay which is choppy, semi-polluted water. So I asked around and found a place on Zushi Beach that rents Jet Skis. I took my friend Melissa up with me (who had never Jet Skied before). We got to the rental shop and found out that in Japan you need a license to operate a Jet Ski which requires a practical and written exam. They only offer the English exam twice a year (July & Feb) so we had to hire a "trainer" to operate the Jet Ski and we rode on the back. It ended up being almost as much fun as doing it myself. Our trainer was super cool and rode way faster than I normally do. It was so fun just laughing & screaming with Melissa. Here's a clip where we were going slower so I could film it without my camera flying into the ocean. Fun in the sun!!! Sad to see summer end...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, atleast the bugs will be on their way out!